
Pot Noodle Evaluation

The Brand we were doing an advert for was Pot Noodle because we all use the product quite often and thought it would be a nice to re-brand the companies appeal to a different target audience. We came up for a more comedic approach because our group found that adverts are boring. We wanted the advert to appeal to as many people as it could. We decided to go for a typical working man but rather than showing all of the usual typical things you'd expect, we shew him running late for work. He turns up wearing the wrong clothes, late and also forgetting his lunch. Then all of a sudden a pot noodle appears of nowhere and allows the man to have a lunch.  He then proceeds to make it then eat it and enjoys it a lot. The target audience was for people that worked in a typical, boring office job however it was not possible for us to get somebody that fitted the part so we had to improvise. Our overall goal was to make the product stick in their minds so there would be more brand recognition that actually selling it. That is because the more people know about the brand the more people will be willing to buy it.

What Went Well: I believe the editing sequence went well. There weren't many issues that came to editing and we finished it the editing sequence fairly quick. I also think that the Shots were fairly decent and there were a variety of different shots that were included in the actual film. The song fits in quite decently with the actual film. It kind of gave off a jazzy kind of film when the film itself had no dialogue but the end. Another thing that went well was that you could get the general idea of what is actually going on, to the point where you could follow it.
What could have been better: The fact that if we had come up with a better idea we could have utilised a better advert. This advert was a very impromptu advert and therefore it can be easy to ask what is actually going on. The audio could have been better as when you actually listen to it, it's not very nice to listen to. You can hear the noise in the mic and in the editing stage we should have removed it a bit more. Also, the fan in the background was giving off a horrible noise. I believe if we were given more time we could have made a much better advert. There was also a bit of a shot problem whilst in the office because we didn't have much room and we didn't want to break the 180-degree rule.
What I Did: During the process of filming me and everyone else in the group decided on shots, we would do. I was also the main actor and I gave off the general idea of how the film would be shot. When it came to the editing stage I was able to be more useful and I mainly edited the film as I am very familiar with Premiere Pro and let my group participate in the editing sequence too. The film was rather easy to edit. It was basically putting the shots together. There wasn't much for effects, it was mostly raw footage. The only effect was a fade in and fade out.
Feedback: We received feedback from peers and they enjoyed it and said it was rather funny and that the advert stuck in their minds. This is good because that means the brand is stuck in their hand and are more than likely to show other people the advert which then starts a chain reaction of people seeing the advert and recognising the brand when they're in stores.